Expat Wife Whispering

Helping you get your

If you are tired of

  • feeling deep anxiety and overwhelm
  • dragging around unprocessed emotions
  • lacking direction and purpose
  • irrational, neurotic fears

then you want to click this button.

📞 Talk to Me    

Sensibly Asked Questions

My methods aren't for everybody - why should my humour be any different?
The obvious, provocative parallels to Horse Whispering and Dog Whispering aside, those both aim to foster immense trust through deep understanding.
Then, something happens that is indistinguishable from magic, for all intents and purposes.
The magic in my own work happens along those exact same lines.

An uncomfortably large number of expat wives themselves, unfortunately.  Understand me well, I do love the incredible results my clients are achieving in all areas, and the credit is all theirs.
While I have become even better and faster at facilitating profound improvements, nothing gives me more pleasure than the moment when we are done.  And I am a bit proud of my former clients. 
To really answer this question, though: skim my clients' testimonials by scrolling up a little.  They would know far better than me, and they advocate strongly for what I do.

Read through these questions, and check out the timeline in the credits section to see if you find your own situation described.
Expat wives and trailing spouses face a unique but predictable combination of issues, and it is possible that a non-expatriate wife - or any woman, even in her home country - experiences some or all of them, as well.
Why not click the the golden Talk to Me button under this question, and we will figure out if this is for you.

I have spent 80% of my adult life as an expatriate in North America, Europe, Southeast Asia and Australasia.
Along the way, I have burned out twice, and learned to take much better care of myself, and of others. The locations may differ, but the struggles are remarkably similar in the expat homes of San Francisco, New York, London, Dubai, Singapore or Sydney.
Once enough clients related to me that they were "so done with therapy" before deciding to give my approach a shot, it was obvious that I needed more than word-of-mouth; hence, this web site.

Since we only agree to work together during or after a personal call, you can expect that we will begin the process by really defining what you want to be and experience instead.
Depending on your comfort level with further video calls, we may do the bulk of the work remotely, or we will coordinate to block off a chunk of time to work together, in person, to dive deep and eradicate issues at the very end of their tap root.
Employing both modalities has shown to have the greatest synergistic effect.

Click the golden Talk to Me button right under this question, and we will find a time and date to start making fantastic changes.

📞 Talk to Me